interfiction XI/2004 trans:fictions.
Übertragungen, Übersetzungen, Überschreitungen
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21. Kasseler
Dokumentarfilm- &

abstracts+biobibs  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

various euro / displaced dilemma - Karsten Asshauer

interfiction -team
Web-Service und Technische Unterstützung

interfiction -RipSale am Freitag, 12.11. 2004, 19.00 Uhr


What the **** is a RipSale?
If people really could download all the (digitized material) they want and reprocess, it would be the end of capitalism, they say.
But the question is not one of copyright, new licences or money making. It is the question of production!
The displaced dilemma here is how to "rip, mix & burn" and sell NOT?
We download mp3, remix it, make a give away on soulseek, burn a give-away-cd for interfiction, stream the sound of it all and transmit it via a local MHz frequency.

copyleft by
various euro [RipSale - concept + realisation @ interfiction]
matze schmidt [RipSale - concept]


interfiction - RipSale - RE:MIX ifi-ripsale-remix.mp3 - 51:41 min - 128 kbit - 49629855 bytes


various euro
experiments with different themes and topics related to fake, real-fake, play, illusions, transfer, re-mix and cutup in web/net-art-context, known as
various euro also creates certain situations for direct social action in special spaces.


Matze Schmidt. "Deplazierte Dilemmas".
in Kurd Alsleben und Antje Eske (Hg.) _Mutualitaet in Netzkunstaffairen_.
Hamburg material-verlag Hochschule fuer bildende Kuenste Hamburg, 2004.
Books on Demand, ISBN 3-8334-1767-6, 244 Seiten, 19.95 EUR

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Karsten Asshauer _ _|
_sofia_ _ _|
Claudio Casales _ _|
Marlena Corcoran _ _|
Frederik Funke _ _|
Michael Härdi _ _|
Claudia Michaela _ _|
Kochsmeier _ _|
Verena Kuni _ _|
Tom Lang _ _|
Sandra Sieber _ _|
Anders Turge Lehr _ _|
Erwin Liedke _ _|
Olga Radetzkaja _ _|
Spurwechsel _ _|
Elke Reinhuber _ _|
Andrea Saemann _ _|
Roland Schappert _ _|
Antje Schiffers _ _|
Tina Schimansky _ _|
Judith Siegmund _ _|
Harald Witsche _ _|

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ about _ _ konzept + c.f.p. _ _ programm _ _ abstracts+biobibs _ _ ort _ _ kontakt _ _ stream _ _

_ _ links _ _ journal _ _ fotoalbum _ _ realisation _ _ dank _ _ presse _ _ suche _ _